Boom 💪 You hit your calories!

We received your recent top-up of £100 🥳 Time to boost it?


Technical Product Manager

Seeking the biggest customer pain points that exist today + fast innovative win-wins. Skilled across mobile & web.

Mobile products David has launched 🚀

Understanding the customer.

Problems are best solved by speaking to customers early & often. Validating ideas before designing, coding or shipping.

User Research

Speaking to customers every week via surveys, interviews or the helpdesk is priceless.


Retaining a keen eye on how things get done & why. Creating PRs & commits.

UX Design

Simple customer journeys. Solving the right problem rather than adding features.

Fail Fast

Quick iteration through user testing is key to success. New data brings new insights.


You just Boosted your savings

Your new rate is 3.26% 🚀

Taking savings to the next level.

Find out how Zopa customers overcame negative spending habits & wonky workarounds. They finally took control of their own savings. All inside 1 unique savings account.

MealPrepPro Check-In

Want to edit your target macros? 🎯

Custom meal plans for every diet.

MealPrepPro succeeded by providing highly personalised meal plans for people with any modern lifestyle, schedule or diet. Click to find out more about the new business that was born & the product pivot that targeted a fresh customer base after launch.

Over 1k recipes

scaleable to any calories

11 diets supported

for any budget/fitness goal

A new tasty
onboarding journey.

Created a brand-new Android recipe app reaching over a million users. Subsequently implemented a new onboarding flow to raise awareness of premium features. Growing app revenue by 52%.

David's 1st ever
mobile product.